Almond dishes for vegeters

5 recipes
Raw District Tiramisu

Raw food desserts have two huge pluses. Firstly, they are suitable for those who adhere to such a power system. And secondly, they are always as simple as possible, because heat treatment is not supposed here. Today I propose to make raw food tiramisu.

Peking cabbage salad with fried Bulgarian pepper and almond

I often cook salads from Beijing cabbage. They are light, tasty and simple. Recently, I really fell in love with a recipe with fried Bulgarian pepper and almonds. An interesting combination of tastes and aromas. If desired, you can add a little more garlic.

Sweets with almonds in sesame seeds

If you like sweets with nuts, they can even be made at home. They will also be quite high -calorie, but much more useful than any store. This is a very tasty dessert and at the same time a good healthy snack. I share my favorite recipe with almonds and sesame seeds.

Banana mousse with almonds

Bananas are very well and harmoniously combined with nuts, including almonds. Therefore, they can be safely combined and prepared so healthy, nutritious and very tasty mousse. Great fast dessert for all occasions!

Pumpkin smoothie with chia seeds

You can talk as much as you like that smoothie is just a fashion trend. But besides, it is also a very convenient and useful snack in a glance. And personally, I am no longer ready to refuse them. I share my favorite recipe for pumpkin smoothie!

Vegetry dishes with almonds - recipes with photos (step by step)

Sometimes the almonds are mistakenly called a nut, but in fact it is a bone of the fruit-kostyanka, and in fact the closest relative of the apricot. Presumably, he appeared in China and Central Asia, but already in ancient times he was grown in Transcaucasia, the Mediterranean and Crimea. The Phoenicians of the almonds were a sacred tree named after the goddess Amigdaly.

The dishes with almonds are prepared from different varieties, but all of them are divided into three large categories in taste - bitter, sweet and fragile. They are also distinguished by the density of the skin, the region of origin and the specifics of growth. The cores are eaten fresh, fried and salty, added to salads, pastes, sauces and marinades for meat or fish. They are good in baking, chocolate, sweets, ice cream and cookies.

Almonds are the basis for the preparation of marzipan. It is combined with cottage cheese, cheese, fruits and berries. For most desserts and the main dishes with almonds, sweet varieties are used, but lickers insist on bitter, including Amaretto. Of these, almond oil is made!