Dishes with agar-agar for vegeters

2 recipes
Currant jam with agar-agar

The best way to prepare dense currant jam, while spending a minimum of time on cooking is to add agar-agar. His plus before the gelatin is that he is of plant origin, which means that he is suitable even to adherents of a strict vegan diet.

Marshmallows on Aquafab

The plus of a marshmallow is not only in its taste and lightness, but also in the fact that in fact it can be prepared using a variety of technologies. For example, such a marshmallow on aquapab is suitable even for those who adhere to a post or a vegetarian diet. No eggs!

Vegetry dishes with agar-agar-recipes with photos (step-by-step)

Of all the possible thickening and giving substances, the recently, Agar-Agar has been most popular. At its core, this is a tasteless substance, the main task of which is to provide the desired texture and consistency of the final product. They produce agar-Agar based on algae, so it is suitable for vegetarian and vegan recipes. This is a completely natural product in the form of powder, plates or briquettes.

Especially dishes with Agar-agar are popular in Japan, where it has become available much earlier. The most popular theory of origin of Agar-Agara says: once the owner of the Japanese hotel left algae soup in the cold for the whole night. And in the morning he discovered that the soup had turned into jelly. By the end of the 19th century, they gradually began to be used in Europe - first for scientific purposes, and then for cooking.

Agar-agar is diluted with water according to the instructions and added to jelly, desserts, jelly, fillings, in the pouring and jelly. It needs less than gelatin, and it freezes faster and at room temperature. But remember that agar-agar does not go well with acid, including sour fruits. Therefore, because of pineapple or lemon, the mass may simply not thicken!